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Why and How to consecration

consecration is an important ceremony, also known as enlightenment, initiation, blessing, etc., designed to endow an object or place with a deity, power, or blessing.

I. Meaning and Significance

Empowerment of Spirituality and Sacred Power: Enlightenment is a symbolic ritual to imbue an object or place with sacred, spiritual power through prayers, mantras, chanting etc. Such an object or place is believed to be able to ward off evil, bless and protect devotees.

Cleansing and Purification: An initiation ceremony is usually accompanied by a process of cleansing and purification, including sweeping, burning incense, and lighting lamps. This process symbolizes the removal of impurities and evils and the purification of the object or place.

Prayers and Invocations: During an initiation, devotees usually offer prayers and invocations to express their desire for health, happiness, and success. Enlightened objects are believed to help fulfill these wishes.

II. Ceremony Steps

Preparation of items: Select the items to be enlightened, such as Buddha statues, amulets, Buddha beads, magic weapons, buildings, etc.

Choosing a suitable place: The ceremony needs to take place in a suitable place, such as a temple, Taoist temple, family altar, etc.

Cleaning and purification: Before the ceremony begins, the place is cleaned and purified to ensure that there is no filth around the objects.

Prayer and Invocation: A senior monk, a person qualified to perform enlightenment or a believer will preside over the ceremony and perform prayers and invocations to express faith and piety.

Offerings and Incense: Devotees usually offer food, fruits, flowers, etc. and light incense and lamps to express their devotion and respect.

Completion of Ceremony: After the completion of the enlightenment ceremony, the item is believed to possess special spiritual qualities and can exert its divine power.

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