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What is this animal year and what should I be aware of?

I. What is the Year of the Animal

The Year of the Animal, also known as the Year of the Chinese Zodiac or the Year of the Lunar New Year, refers to the year in which the year of each person’s zodiac sign coincides, according to the traditional zodiac cycle. Simply put, every twelve years, a person encounters a year in the same Chinese Zodiac as the year of his or her birth, which is called the Year of the Lunar New Year. For example, if a person is born in the year of the dog, then every twelve years the year of the dog will be his birth year. 2024 is the year of the dragon, and a person born in the year of the dragon will be born in the year of the dragon.

In traditional culture, the year of one’s birth is considered to be an important turning point, and it is believed that during this year, one’s fortune, health, and wealth will be particularly affected by the guardian spirits of the Chinese zodiac. At the same time, the Year of the Lunar New Year is also considered to be a year prone to challenges and changes, and as such, there are many customs and rituals associated with the Year of the Lunar New Year designed to pray for good luck and avoid bad luck.

II. Precautions

  1. Wearing red clothing:
    Wearing red is considered one of the most common customs in the year of the nativity. The color red symbolizes luck and celebration, and it is believed that wearing red clothing (such as red underwear, socks, belts, etc.) can ward off evil spirits and bring good luck and protection. Often, these red clothes will be gifted by family members, meaning increased blessings and protection.
  2. Wear red rope or jade:
    In addition to wearing red clothing, wearing red rope bracelets or anklets, jade and other items is also a common custom for the Lunar New Year, again with the purpose of warding off bad luck and keeping you safe.
  3. Rituals and prayers:
    In the Year of the Lunar New Year, people will go to temples to pray for blessings or perform some traditional rituals to pray for blessings from their ancestors or guardian spirits, hoping for a smooth, healthy and peaceful new year.
  4. Avoid attending funerals:
    There is a traditional saying that people in the year of their birth should avoid attending funerals or burials, as such occasions are prone to bring inauspicious influences.
  5. Pay attention to health:
    In the year of the nativity, people pay special attention to their health and may have medical checkups or pay more attention to their diet and living habits to prevent diseases and misfortunes.

III. Suitable Pendants

Wearing specific pendants in the current year is believed to bring good luck and ward off negative elements. These pendants usually have symbolic meanings that are meant to enhance the positive energy of the wearer and reduce the negative influences. Below are some of the common pendants and their symbolic meanings that are suitable for wearing in the current year:

  1. Red Jewelry
    Red is regarded as a color that brings good luck and happiness, and is especially suitable to be worn during the Lunar New Year. Jewelry such as red pendants, red ropes or red agate can increase the wearer’s good luck.
  2. Chinese Zodiac Pendant
    Wearing a pendant representing the zodiac sign of the current year, such as a small metal or jade carved zodiac animal, can serve as an amulet to enhance one’s energy and provide protection.
  3. Pixi
    Pixi is an auspicious creature in traditional culture and is believed to attract wealth and ward off evil spirits. Wearing a bravery pendant in this year of life, especially those made of jade or gold and silver, can help attract wealth and good luck.
  4. Guanyin or Buddha Pendant
    Wearing a Guanyin or Buddha pendant is believed to bring serenity and protection. These religious symbols provide spiritual comfort and strength to the wearer.
  5. Six Character Pendant
    The Six Character Chant (“Om Mani Padme Hum”) is a Buddhist prayer that symbolizes purity and peace. Wearing a pendant engraved with the Six Characters of Truth can enhance positive energy and ward off negative influences.
  6. Jade
    Jade is believed to have the property of absorbing negative energies, bringing health and longevity. Wearing a jade pendant in this year, especially a jade carving related to one’s zodiac sign, can help boost one’s luck.

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