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The Role of Turquoise (Lǜ Sōng Shí) in Feng Shui

Turquoise, known as Lǜ Sōng Shí in Chinese, is a highly revered gemstone in Feng Shui for its vibrant energy and rich symbolic meanings. Below is a detailed explanation of the role of turquoise in Feng Shui practice.

1. Healing and Health

Promoting Physical Health: Turquoise is renowned for its healing properties. In Feng Shui, it is believed to enhance the body’s immune system and promote overall physical health. Wearing turquoise jewelry or placing turquoise stones in the health area of the home can aid in recovery from illness and support long-term health.

Emotional Healing: Turquoise is also associated with emotional balance and mental clarity. It helps to alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression, fostering a sense of peace and tranquility. This makes it an excellent stone for improving emotional well-being.

2. Protection and Security

Shielding from Negative Energies: Turquoise is considered a protective stone that guards against negative energies and harmful influences. It creates a protective barrier that ensures the safety and harmony of a space.

Personal Protection: Wearing turquoise as a talisman or amulet provides personal protection. It is believed to ward off negative influences and bring a sense of security to the wearer.

3. Wealth and Prosperity

Attracting Abundance: In Feng Shui, turquoise is associated with attracting wealth and prosperity. Placing turquoise stones in the wealth corner of the home or office can enhance financial success and attract abundance.

Enhancing Creativity and Motivation: Turquoise stimulates creativity and motivation, which can lead to greater productivity and success in various endeavors. It is particularly beneficial for those in creative professions.

4. Harmony and Balance

Creating Harmony: Turquoise promotes harmony and balance within a space. It helps to resolve conflicts and fosters better communication and understanding among family members or colleagues.

Balancing Energy: The stone balances the flow of energy within a space, ensuring a smooth and harmonious environment. It is particularly effective in harmonizing the energy in homes and workplaces.

5. Spiritual Growth and Enlightenment

Aiding Meditation: Turquoise is often used in meditation practices due to its calming and centering properties. It helps individuals achieve deeper meditative states and enhances spiritual awareness.

Spiritual Protection: The gemstone is revered for its spiritual protective qualities. It shields the aura and promotes spiritual growth and enlightenment.

6. Cultural and Symbolic Value

Cultural Significance: Turquoise has been used historically in various cultures for its protective and healing properties. In many cultures, it is seen as a stone of protection, wisdom, and tranquility.

Symbol of Elegance: The beautiful blue-green hue of turquoise makes it a symbol of elegance and sophistication. It enhances the aesthetic appeal of any space and adds a touch of natural beauty.


In summary, turquoise (Lǜ Sōng Shí) is highly valued in Feng Shui for its healing properties, protective qualities, ability to attract wealth, promote harmony, and support spiritual growth. Its aesthetic beauty and cultural significance further enhance its desirability as a material for creating meaningful and auspicious objects. Incorporating turquoise into one’s personal space or wearing it as jewelry can bring numerous benefits, making it an indispensable element in Feng Shui practice.

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