Natural Obsidian Pendant with Six Character Proverbs – Spiritual Healing Jewelry


Obsidian holds various important roles in Feng Shui, primarily including the following aspects:

  1. Protection and Repelling Evil: Obsidian is believed to have strong protective energy, effectively warding off negative energies and evil spirits, ensuring the safety and health of the inhabitants. It is commonly used to prevent the intrusion of negative energy.
  2. Absorbing Negative Energy: Obsidian can absorb negative energy from the surrounding environment, purifying the energy field of the space and making the environment more harmonious and peaceful.
  3. Stabilizing Emotions: Obsidian helps balance and stabilize emotions, alleviating stress and anxiety, and promoting inner peace and focus.
  4. Enhancing Decision-Making: Obsidian is believed to enhance one’s decision-making abilities and confidence, helping the wearer make wise choices when facing challenges.
  5. Promoting Health: Traditionally, obsidian has been used to promote physical health and recovery, particularly in relieving pain and improving blood circulation.

In summary, obsidian is regarded as a powerful tool for protection and purification in Feng Shui, effectively enhancing the positive energy of both the environment and individuals, bringing about physical and mental balance and harmony.