
Pixiu Obsidian Silver Plated Bracelet – Attract Wealth Feng Shui Jewelry

(39 customer reviews)

Original price was: $42.00.Current price is: $32.00.

Pixi has the following 3 kinds of symbolism:
1, attracting wealth and treasure, brave is to gold and silver treasure for food beast, is a symbol of wealth;
2, peace and good luck, brave body stout and domineering, righteousness, people want to wear brave to pray for peace and health;
3, successful career, brave in ancient times or power, status symbols, many objects on behalf of the status of the brave shape.

Effects of Obsidian
1, black obsidian has the function of warding off evil spirits and resolving the evil spirits
2, obsidian energy is very strong, strong, the best effect to ward off evil, wear obsidian is the best amulet, warding off evil things
3, Obsidian corresponds to the bottom of the sea chakra, can effectively remove the body’s negative energy, and enhance the new energy!
4, obsidian can enhance the life force, restore the human spirit, physical strength, for excessive brain workers and creative workers have a very good balance of effect

39 reviews for Pixiu Obsidian Silver Plated Bracelet – Attract Wealth Feng Shui Jewelry

  1. Camilla (verified owner)

    “This has brought a sense of calm and tranquility to my life.”

  2. Mattie (verified owner)

    “I noticed a significant improvement in my focus and productivity. This product truly works!”

  3. Haleigh (verified owner)

    “The energy flow feels smoother and more natural.”

  4. Rosella (verified owner)

  5. Milo (verified owner)

    “My productivity and motivation have increased. Very effective!”

  6. Marcel (verified owner)

    “This product has made a noticeable difference in my space.”

  7. Kamille (verified owner)

    “This has helped me create a more peaceful living environment.”

  8. Marcelo (verified owner)

    “My home feels like a sanctuary now. So grateful for this!”

  9. Lafayette (verified owner)

    “The overall energy in my home is much more positive.”

  10. Devonte (verified owner)

    “I’ve noticed an increase in good fortune and opportunities.”

  11. Everardo (verified owner)

    “This has brought a sense of calm and serenity to my space.”

  12. Jamil (verified owner)

    “This has brought a sense of harmony and balance to my life.”

  13. Elise (verified owner)

    “The energy flow in my space feels much smoother. Very pleased with this purchase!”

  14. Rhianna (verified owner)

    “The positive impact on my home is undeniable.”

  15. Kenyon (verified owner)

    “I feel a greater sense of peace and serenity.”

  16. Shanelle (verified owner)

    “This has brought a sense of tranquility and peace to my space.”

  17. Liana (verified owner)

    “The positive changes in my home environment are noticeable and wonderful.”

  18. Shania (verified owner)

    “I feel a sense of peace and calm whenever I’m near this. Amazing effect!”

  19. Forest (verified owner)

    “I feel more centered and balanced every day.”

  20. Hilma (verified owner)

    “I feel a stronger connection to my inner self. Truly transformative!”

  21. Charley (verified owner)

    “My anxiety has decreased, and I feel more at ease in my home.”

  22. Leslie (verified owner)

    “I’ve noticed a reduction in stress and anxiety. Amazing!”

  23. Burdette (verified owner)

    “I was skeptical at first, but now I’m a firm believer in the benefits of this product.”

  24. Noel (verified owner)

    “The energy in my home feels revitalized and refreshed.”

  25. Deondre (verified owner)

    “I feel more balanced and in tune with my surroundings.”

  26. Kameron (verified owner)

    “I’ve experienced fewer negative thoughts and more positive outlooks.”

  27. Jo (verified owner)

    “I’ve seen an improvement in my overall mood and outlook on life.”

  28. Raul (verified owner)

    “This product has enhanced the positive energy in my home.”

  29. Gertrude (verified owner)

    “The energy in my home feels so much more balanced since I started using this. Highly recommend!”

  30. Wayne (verified owner)

    “Since using this, I’ve felt more balanced and centered every day.”

  31. Zetta (verified owner)

    “I’ve experienced an uplift in my energy and enthusiasm.”

  32. Robert (verified owner)

    “I feel more balanced and aligned with my surroundings.”

  33. Carmela (verified owner)

    “The sense of calm and peace is unmistakable. Truly transformative.”

  34. Simeon (verified owner)

    “The positive energy in my home has been greatly enhanced.”

  35. Deshaun (verified owner)

    “My family has experienced fewer conflicts since we got this. It’s been a great addition to our home.”

  36. Heather (verified owner)

    “I’ve noticed improvements in my mood and overall happiness.”

  37. Rogers (verified owner)

    “This product has made my home feel like a sanctuary.”

  38. Francis (verified owner)

    “The ambiance in my home has improved. Feels much more inviting.”

  39. Miller (verified owner)

    “Since I started using this, I feel more grounded and balanced in my daily life.”

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