Vermilion Fire Qilin Feng Shui Pendant – Square Brand Amulet


The Feng Shui effects of the Vermilion Phoenix and Kirin pendant involve various aspects:

  1. Protection: The Vermilion Phoenix and Kirin are symbols of protection and guardianship in Feng Shui. They are believed to ward off negative energies and bring about a sense of safety and security to the wearer.
  2. Harmony and Balance: The Vermilion Phoenix represents the element of fire, while the Kirin symbolizes balance and auspicious energy. Together, they promote harmony and balance in the surrounding environment, fostering peace and tranquility.
  3. Good Fortune: Both the Vermilion Phoenix and Kirin are associated with good fortune and prosperity in Chinese culture. Wearing a pendant featuring these mythical creatures may attract positive energy and opportunities for success and abundance.
  4. Enhanced Energy Flow: In Feng Shui philosophy, the presence of the Vermilion Phoenix and Kirin can enhance the flow of chi (vital energy) in the space, creating a more vibrant and auspicious atmosphere conducive to overall well-being.

Overall, the Vermilion Phoenix and Kirin Feng Shui pendant is believed to bring protection, harmony, good fortune, and enhanced energy flow to the wearer, promoting positivity and prosperity in their life.